February Sway Newsletter

A shorter term than usual, but we would as always like to thank everyone for their help throughout it! We hope you enjoy your week off, school back to normal on the 19th Feb.

The first Sway newsletter for 2024 is now up. To view it, go to our sway newsletter page on the website or click the image below.

Ridgewood High School
Options Evening Presentations

Options Evening went incredibly well last night! We hope the evening proved useful to our Year 9 students as they look to make the step up to KS4. There are two presentations up on the options page on the website for any who may have missed them or who would like to go back for more info! Or alternatively, press the buttons below.


Ridgewood High School
Safer Internet Day

Today at Ridgewood we take part in Safer Internet Day. Over the years, Safer Internet Day has become a landmark event in the online safety calendar and is now celebrated in approximately 200 countries and territories worldwide. From cyberbullying to social networking to digital identity, each year Safer Internet Day aims to raise awareness of emerging online issues and current concerns. For more information on keeping yourself safe online, check out our page on the website! https://www.ridgewood.dudley.sch.uk/online-safety

Ridgewood High School
Year 9 Options booklet

An options booklet has just gone up on the website containing lots of valuable information for Year 9 students moving to KS4. This booklet will also help with the Options Evening that is happening on Thursday. The booklet can be found on the Options page on the website or in the latest news post! https://www.ridgewood.dudley.sch.uk/options-20232024

Ridgewood High School
Ridgewood students win RE debate!

On 30th January 2024, eight Year 10 RS students went to Wordsley High School to take part in an RE Debate organised by SACRE. During this event our students demonstrated their skills in oracy, critical thinking, an understanding of religious scripture and philosophical debate.

We are proud to announce that our students won their motion competing against students from Ellowes Hall, they were able to articulate their views against the motion “Only God has the right to take away life.” A massive well done to the students involved and to the parents who helped to encourage their children during the planning stages of this event.

Ridgewood High School
Year 9 Options evening reminder!

Reminder that our Year 9 options evening is on Thursday 8th February 2024. Options Evening has always been a popular event at Ridgewood, and we expect this year to be no different. This is a great opportunity to support and guide your child's KS4 curriculum.

If you could kindly confirm your attendance by completing the form on EduLink, we would be most grateful!

Ridgewood High School
Mayor's Ball and Civic Awards - Nominations now open!

Dudley Council is once again looking to recognise people who work tirelessly in the community and are calling on people from across the borough to put forward nominations. Is there someone at Ridgewood who you feel deserves one of these titles? This could be someone who has made an outstanding contribution to the community or who has set an inspiring example to others through their effort and determination.

The categories in full are:

The Thomas Attwood award for education

The Duncan Edwards award for sport

The Frank Foley award for community spirit

The Cedric Hardwicke award for arts

The William Shenstone award for environment

The Mike Holder award for business

It can be a colleague, family member or friend, someone you have nominated in a previous year or someone new.

Should you know someone who fits this description, you can nominate online at www.mayorofdudley.org.uk/civicawards and the closing date is Sunday 3 March.

Ridgewood High School
Easter School 2024

At Ridgewood, we know how well our Year 11 students are preparing for their upcoming exams. To support this further, we will be running Easter School during the Easter holidays. This will take place on Tuesday 26 March, Wednesday 27 March and Thursday 28 March 2024. Sessions will run from 09.30-11.30 in the morning, and 12.30-14.30 in the afternoon. Students do not have to wear their uniform and can leave site during the break to get some lunch if they would like to. A full timetable of sessions will be released shortly, and students will be able to sign up to these sessions via Clubs on EduLink. Easter School has historically been very well attended by students who have found this additional, focused tuition beneficial, and complimentary to studies already taking place at home. We will share the full timetable soon!

Ridgewood High School
Five Rivers looking for carers!

Five Rivers are a local fostering agency, based in Bromsgrove, and are currently looking for new carers within the Stourbridge area. If you are interested in helping out, please contact them using the information in the image!

Ridgewood High School